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The roots of Georgian Freemasonry may be traced up to 18th century, though there were no sovereign Masonic structures on the territory of Georgia. This was the unfortunate fact due to the occupation of the Kingdom of Georgia at the beginning of 19th century by the Russian Empire. The first Respectable Lodges on the territory of Georgia were opened at the beginning of the 20th century, operated under the auspices Grand Orient of Peoples’ of Russia (which itself originated from the Grand Orient of France) and Grand Lodge of France. The British Military field (travel) lodge was stationed in the city of Batumi, which also initiated local nobles and operated the Royal Arch Chapter. The majority of Archives were destroyed or stolen from Georgia, after the Soviet occupation. The first Lodge was consecrated in the city of Kutaisi, and later in Tbilisi. There are some evidences that the College of the Rose and Cross society was operated in Tbilisi, till 1928. The majority of Georgian Freemasons were executed or sent to Siberia by Soviet regime.

The Georgian emigrants, Freemasons, who flew from Soviet occupation joined lodges in USA, France, Poland, etc. The most well known and well achieved  Respectable Lodge was the Lodge “Prometheus”#558 in France (GLdF). Some Georgian brethren were part of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, members of the Supreme Councils in France. Unfortunately, the Second World War made its negative impact on European Freemasonry, eventually the Georgian Lodge was closed at the end of 50s, beginning of 60s due to the lack of Georgian speaking candidates.

The revival of Freemasonry in Georgia started in mid 2000s and eventually, three Worshipful Lodges, which were duly consecrated and more than 30 Master Masons, members of these lodges, regularly initiated, passed and raised, have consecrated the first ever sovereign masonic obedience – Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia (AF&AM Grand Lodge of Georgia), on March 14th 2015, Orient of Tbilisi.

The Grand Lodge of Georgia is recognized by regular chain of Freemasonry around the world. In 2023 the Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of the Grand Masters of the North America has issued the Report. In 2022, the Commission set out facts regarding the grand lodges in the country of Georgia and found that other organization, which claims the sovereignty over the territory and was founded by the active support of Grand Lodge of Russia – failed to demonstrate that it met the Standards of Recognition adopted by the Conference of the Grand Lodges of North America. In 2023 the Commission again noted the issues with that organization, which was founded in 2018 and consequently, the Commission saw no reason to change its opinion of 2022 regarding this organization. As it was mentioned in Commission’s 2023 Report – “Indeed, there is now even greater evidence supporting that finding…” [that 2018 organization fails to demonstrate the standards of Recognition].

As Commission on Information for Recognition noted, based on the facts presented, it appears that the Grand Lodge of Georgia, AF&AM, founded in 2015, meets the Standards of Recognition. This report was officially presented to the Conference of the Grand Masters of the North America and unanimously supported – voted by the representatives of all Grand Lodges, members of the Conference.

The Grand Lodge of Georgia continues to operate regularly since 2015 over the territory of Georgia. In June 2023, there are 12 Respectable Lodges operating under its auspices in the major cities of Georgia – Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, etc. The vast majority of the Worshipful Lodges are working in the symbolic degrees of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Grand Lodge of Georgia possesses the sovereign jurisdiction in terms of all symbolic Lodges within it and over the one Territory, being the only and incontestable authority in the works of the three symbolic degrees being the ones of the Enter Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. 

The Constitution and General Regulations of Grand Lodge of Georgia adopted in March, 2015 on the Orient of Tbilisi, states the main principles of regularity and recognition of a Grand Lodge as follows:

  • A Grand Lodge is to be regularly and duly created and consecrated by a regular Grand Lodge or not less than three regularly established and consecrated Symbolic Lodges, or no less than 21 and more regularly initiated, passed and raised Master Masons.
  • The Belief in the Supreme Being is to be established as a requirement for membership in the Grand Lodge ;
  • The Three Great Lights of Freemasonry, being the Volume of the Sacred Law, the Square and Compasses, are to be displayed within the Temple, during the works of the Grand Lodge and each and every symbolic Lodge under its jurisdiction. The greater light among them is the Volume of the Sacred Law, venerated by brethren in accordance with their creed or faith. The Volume of the Sacred Law is to be opened and remain open throughout the works (labors) of a Lodge, and all obligations are to be taken and given before the Volume of the Sacred Law;
  • Only males can be admitted and members of the Grand Lodge and symbolic Lodges under its jurisdiction. A Grand Lodge and Lodges under its jurisdiction may not entertain any Masonic contacts with female of mixed membership;
  • A Grand Lodge is to be a sovereign, independent self-governed body exercising exceptional and unquestioned power over the symbolic Lodges under its jurisdiction in three symbolic degrees, being of the Enter Apprentice, Fellowcraft and the Master Mason. A Grand Lodge may in no way be subordinate to or share its authority with the Supreme Council or any Masonic authority claiming control or supervision over the above-mentioned three symbolic degrees;
  • Discussions of religious and political matters in the symbolic Lodges are to be strictly prohibited;
  • The principles and regulations of the Ancient Charges, Landmarks, customs and traditions of the Order of Freemasons are to be strictly obeyed and observed;
  • Every member of the Grand Lodge and within its jurisdiction shall be strictly forbidden to countenance any act which may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; that he shall pay dye obedience to the law of any State in which he may reside or which may afford him protection; and that he must never be remiss in the allegiance due to the Sovereign or Constitutional Authority of his native land.

Openly stating the basic principles of Freemasonry, the Grand Lodge of Georgia is ever to deal in the issues of recognition of other Grand Lodges in view of their being in accordance with these established and immutable principles, but never to enter into dispute with supporters of any point of view as to the interpretations of these principles.

These principles are to be accepted and obeyed open-heartedly and fully by those who would like to be accepted as a Brother and a Freemason among the members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. We fully support the accepted principles, based on which the recognition of those Grand Lodges which profess and practice, and can show that they have consistently professed and practiced, those established and unaltered principles, but in no circumstances will it enter into discussion with a view to any new or varied interrelation of them.

The Grand Lodge of Georgia is duly registered in the Ministry of Justice of Georgia as Non Commercial Non Profit Legal Entity (NPLE).

Main Foundational Principles of GL of Georgia:

  • Freemasonry takes its roots from Enlightenment organizations that perceived the symbols of ancient builders. The customs and rituals of Freemasonry represent the fruit of an evolution from time immemorial and are also known as ancient sacraments and landmarks. These landmarks and customs are passed from masters onto apprentices and are to be found in a number of ancient that are taken to be the founding documents of the order. They describe and present commonly approved Masonic principles that are immutable in time and space.
  • Freemasonry is founded upon the belief of all its members in the Supreme Being, the Creator, God who is also known as the Grand Architect of the Universe.
  • The two fundamental principles of Masonic worldviews are “Know Thyself” and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
  • Masonry is the unity of free men of all religious beliefs who are united and strive towards such ideals as peace, love and fraternity.
  • Masonry finds as its goal the moral development of its members and eventually of humanity, much as true charity.
  • The Masonic order obliges all its members to respect the opinions of others and strictly forbids any discussion of religious and political matters, so as to ensure its existence as the unchanging harmonious center of fraternal unity.
  • Freemasons gather in places called lodges, in order to carry out ritual labors, where only men of good name and high moral standing and of dignity and intelligence are permitted. They have undergone due initiation into the order, are called brethren and are always loyal to the state and its lawful government. Brethren who convene in lodges are obliged to love their homeland, the state and be loyal to its laws and to the lawfully elected government. They are obliged to find labor as the supreme duty of human and to recognize such work in all its forms.
  • The Masons are obliged to protect Masonic secrets with all their power, words, examples, labor and so forth to protect Masonic secrets. A true mason is obliged selflessly to support his brethren, even under the threat of losing one’s life, and regardless of the circumstances of his life, always to observe peace, reason and wisdom in his actions, as well as in his words.

Twelve Principles Of Regularity, which are imposed by Grand Lodge of Georgia:

  1. A belief in a Supreme Being is a condition of membership.
  2. Freemasonry is based upon the ancient sacraments and landmarks that include the basic traditions of the order, the observation and preservation of which is an unconditional condition of the Regularity.
  3. Freemasonry represents an order that takes into its ranks free men of worthy name, who agree to labor for the attainment and strengthening of peace, love and fraternal ideals.
  4. Freemasonry aims to achieve the moral perfection of its members and of humankind at large.
  5. Freemasonry obliges its members strictly and accurately to observe all rituals, landmarks and the traditions of Masonic symbolism.
  6. Freemasonry obliges brothers to respect the opinions of others and one another. It is forbidden to discuss any kind of political or religious matters in the order that may give rise to conflicting passions among brethren. Masonry finds itself as the center of spiritual harmony: fraternal unity, patience and mutual understanding.
  7. Freemasons take their vows on the sacred book of their belief in order that their obligations acquire the strength of a holy and unfaltering vow.
  8. Freemasons leave the profane world and enter the lodge where there are constantly three grand luminaries of the order: the volume of sacred laws, square and compasses. All lodges shall display a volume of scripture with the square and compasses while in session. Brothers work in the appropriate ritual, protect and obey the fundamental principles of the order, its constitution and the common internal regulations.
  9. Freemasons take into their lodges only men of worthy name and reputation who are loyal to the state legislation and the legitimate government of the state, men worthy in all respects who might be called a brother and who believe in the grand purpose of human existence and the unlimited power of providence.
  10. In their lodges, Freemasons cultivate the love of homeland, obedience to the laws of the state and to the legitimate government.
  11. Freemasons protect the secrets of the order with their ceaseless labor and own example for the good of the order.
  12. Freemasons take the vows to help and protect one another, even when threatened with their own life and regardless of the circumstances, always to observe peace, to be wise and promote wisdom in all actions, as well as in the words.

The Duties Of Freemasons, members of the Obedience:

  • Freemasons vow and take the obligation never to pass the secrets of the order unto anyone other than true and lawful brethren in the duly and properly founded and installed lodge of freemasons.
  • Also, masons keep fraternal love in their heart and take the obligation, if need be, always and everywhere to support their brethren in need.
  • Freemasons find that all humans, regardless of their social condition or talent, have equal rights and duties. They find themselves obliged to protect and promote these principles, they support those around them so that the relationship might be fraternal, harmonious, founded on love and respect and founded on universal equality and fraternity.
  • Freemasons strive towards the development of the soul and the mind and act according to the principles dictated by the love of mankind.
  • The foundations of their actions are: the use of the universal system of symbolic teaching, known as the ‘royal craft’; respecting established rituals, charitable work, patience and perfect action. The lodge is the place where perfect harmony and fraternal love reign; the existence of profane passions is prohibited in the lodge.
  • During their gatherings, brethren must be acting accordingly and never disrupt the harmony of the gathering in the lodge either by their words, or by their deeds.
  • Freemasons only accept in their brotherhood worthy and free men who express their readiness to labor tirelessly for his spiritual and moral development.
  • Freemasons do not divide their members by religious, racial, national or social mark.
  • No Freemason is permitted to wear their Masonic regalia – ties, aprons, and others – outside of the lodge, beyond the duly and properly initiated labor, apart from the cases authorized by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. No Freemason is allowed to print, publish or by any other means make public – either in the Masonic or in the profane mass-media – any information or document, which violates Masonic laws, or his obligations with respect to other members of the Order.
  • Every brother takes the obligation not to participate, openly or secretly, in the labor or gathering of those Masonic organizations that are not recognized by the Grand Lodge of Georgia. Every brother is obliged to recognize and respect the jurisdiction and prerogatives of the Grand Lodges, where the latter are founded and recognized legitimately and properly.

The Main Principles of Recognition of a Grand Lodge When recognizing any Grand Lodge, as a fraternal jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge of Georgia acts according to the following rules:

  1. Regularity of origin: every Grand Lodge must be founded by three or more symbolic lodges, that are themselves legitimately founded by other Grand Lodges with a recognition of regularity or by not less than 21 and more duly initiated, passed and raised Master Masons.
  2. The belief in the Grand Architect of the Universe is the essential prerequisite of the membership in the order.
  3. Each admission and initiation into the order represents taking of an obligation and a vow before the volume of sacred law of the religion to which the candidate belongs.
  4. Members of the Grand Lodge and members of all lodges within its jurisdiction must all be men. No Masonic lodge has the right to have relations with any lodge that accepts women, including mixed lodges.
  5. The Grand Lodge must have the supreme and sovereign power over all lodges under its jurisdiction, must be the only accountable, independent and self-governing organization, with undivided and undoubted power over Masonic symbolic degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master Mason) on its territory. Under no circumstances might such powers be exercised along with the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite or any other Masonic system that might wish to govern the above mentioned Masonic degrees.
  6. The three most important sources of light in Freemasonry (the volume of sacred laws, square and compass) must always be represented in the Grand Lodge and in the subordinated lodges under its jurisdiction during their labors and gatherings; the most important among them is the Volume of Sacred Laws.
  7. Discussion of religious and political matters is the lodge is most strictly forbidden. 8. Ancient Masonic landmarks and traditions must be observed most strictly.